The following diagram provides a comprehensive list of the support services:


CEOS Industrial Supports

As listed in the diagram above, the following services are provided:

    1. TIRTL Warranty & Software Upgrades
    2. TIRTL Speed Calibration / Recalibration
      1. NATA accreditation provides independent assurance of technical competence of a production/testing facility.
    3. TIRTL Monitoring & Alarms (including operational and data alarms)
      1. real-time and scheduled automatic access to TIRTLs,Automated real-time alarms sent to nominated representatives of Client and its field maintenance providers via email and SMS with on-call support to assess a potential fault,
      2. alarm reports on a scheduled basis.
    4. Technical Support (level 1, 2 & 3)
      1. Product support for the System, TIRTL and accessories including:
        1. hardware and software support for TIRTL and TIRTLsoft,
        2. remote operations, maintenance and analysis of TIRTLs including reviewing specific units, liaising with Client and fault resolution,
        3. review real-time and logged data including vehicles, axles and beam events,
        4. operation of TIRTLs as an element in the System and related trouble-shooting, IT support and communications connectivity.
      2. Minor software feature implementation, integration and testing.
      3. Site visits for complex fault resolution,
      4. Heavy vehicle (HV) axle pattern matching & tracking whereby the exact location of an HV’s axles is used to provide sighting times and details of HVs that have been detected by TIRTLs.
    5. Data Warehouse and ReportingDownload and warehouse all vehicle data every 1 hour and transfer to Client as required.  The format of reports is determined by Client and includes tables & graphs on a weekly / monthly basis.
    6. TIRTL Asset Management Register
      A comprehensive Asset Register is maintained and includes TIRTL records, site records, communications and IP settings, maintenance activities and device version control.
    7. Project Support
      Project specific support as follows:

      1. Project technical review, requirements analysis and specification,
      2. Field visits / site investigation and system integration,
      3. Report preparation.